The top clicks this week are dominated by Goldman Sachs-related links.  To see more check out this special all-Goldman Saturday linkfest.  Here are the Abnormal Returns Now items readers clicked most frequently for the week ended on Friday, April 16th.  Where applicable the description is as it reads in the linkfest:

  1. Goldman will need to answer for its actions.  (Felix Salmon, Baseline Scenario, MarketBeat, Curious Capitalist)
  2. Assuming events like the credit crisis away, two professors recommend young people buy stocks on margin.  (Time, Sentiment’s Edge)
  3. Inflation and supply begin to overwhelm the debt market.  (greenfaucet)
  4. The demographic case for investing in Vietnam.  (The Money Game)
  5. The system is built to be gamed.”  (Huffington Post)
  6. Goldman’s reputation in tatters.  (Felix Salmon)
  7. Ranking the current rally.  (Big Picture, Bespoke)
  8. $1 billion turns into $14.5 billion.  (Bespoke)
  9. Investor psychology lags at turning points.  (Big Picture, ibid also MarketBeat)
  10. Sentiment and trend investing.  (Leigh Drogen)

There were also a couple of Abnormal Returns-authored posts this week:

  1. On the return of the buy-and-hold crowd.  (Abnormal Returns)
  2. On the advisability of “lifecycle investing on steroids.”  (Abnormal Returns also Felix Salmon)

As always thanks for checking in with Abnormal Returns.  If you would like to receive our links in real-time on Twitter please follow us at @ARupdates.  Please feel free to comment or drop us a line.

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