Thanks for checking in with us this weekend.  Here are the items our readers clicked most frequently on Abnormal Returns Now and Abnormal Returns Classic for the week ended Friday, September 10th.  Where applicable the description is as it reads in the relevant linkfest.

Abnormal Returns Now:

  1. Peak oil is history.  (Culture Change)
  2. Josh Brown, “Stocks need strength in other stocks at this junction.”  (The Reformed Broker)
  3. The Rosenberg Indicator.  (Justin Paterno)
  4. Search on mobile devices is going to be different than search on desktops.  (SAI)
  5. Doug Kass thinks shorting bonds may be the trade of the year.  (TheStreet)

Abnormal Returns Classic:

  1. Warren Buffett on holding cash.  (Market Folly)
  2. Edward Alberts thinks the equity markets are in denial.  (FT Alphaville)
  3. What John Paulson is up to.  (Zero Hedge)
  4. Bond math is pretty simple.  (Bucks Blog)
  5. Things are tough out there…get small.  (The Reformed Broker)

Screencasts for the week that was:

  1. Friday: How far are the regulators willing to go to slow down ever more frenetic trading?  (AR Screencast)
  2. Thursday:  Political aggregators make tracking polls easier, but does it have any bearing on investing?  (AR Screencast)
  3. Wednesday:  Active fund managers are frustrated by market correlations.  Maybe they should be playing a different game.  (AR Screencast)
  4. Tuesday:  Everybody talks their book, even Michael Burry.  (AR Screencast)

Per usual, there are now a number of ways to follow Abnormal Returns including:  @ARupdates, free e-mails:  AR ClassicAR Energy, AR Options, the Abnormal Returns widget, our daily screencasts, and Abnormal Returns TV.

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