Despite a raft of potential problems, the global economy seems to be humming along. (via Wall Street Journal)

Barry Ritholtz at the Big Picture on the important role currencies have on how we view market performance.

Ticker Sense explains a recent change in the Uptick-Downtick Index.

What is going on with gold prices? (via MarketBeat)

John Kimelman at interviews money manager Whitney Tilson.

Brett Steenbarger at TraderFeed on the fact that “There is far more to trading psychology, however than simply taming your emotions.”

Roger Nusbaum in looks behind the workings of a number of ETFs.

DealBook on the continuing controversy over private equity and CEO compensation.

Going Private has some more on the nature of “PIK Toggles.”

Given the sales-to-date why didn’t Equity Office Properties conduct its own property auctions? (via DealBook)

Roger Ehrenberg at Information Arbitrage on the many reactions to the Sirius-XM satellite merger deal.

Mark Gilbert at tries to get his head around hedge fund cloning and the ongoing discussion of hedge fund fees. on what a recent ruling means for the big prime brokers.

All About Alpha on the fact that only a small percentage of hedge funds report to all the major hedge fund databases.

Free exchange and on mutual fund returns and survivorship bias.

FT Alphaville on a research paper that investigates the gender differences in the performance of sell-side analysts.

Jim Mahar at highlights a paper that looks at how the migration of firms across deciles helps explain the size and value premiums.

Mebane Faber at World Beta notes an academic paper on the importance of the “payout yield” versus the plain vanilla dividend yield on stock returns.

Google (GOOG) continues to creep into the bread and butter business of Microsoft (MSFT), namely Office. (via Wall Street Journal)

Paul Kedrosky and Michelle Leder note the phased roll-out of Google’s transferable stock options program.

A little inside baseball for all you bloggers out there – Feedburner’s View of the Feed Market.

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